External Hemorrhoid Treatment
When your hemorrhoid is in the advanced stages or when it has been there are prolonged amount of time, surgery provides instant relief. Your physician will examine you and decide if you are a candidate for the procedure. If the hemorrhoid is allowed to go too long it can develop a clot, due to the blood pooling outside of the rectum. Your physician will cut and cauterize, or burn, the hemorrhoid.
Hot and Cold Treatment
Fill your tub with water as hot as you can stand it and sit in the water for approximately 20 minutes at a time. This can help ease inflammation and swelling and promote circulation in the area. Roll up ice packs in a towel and apply to the area to reduce swelling. Be sure not to place the ice directly on the skin. Ice should be applied for 15 minutes at a time. Both treatments can be repeated as needed.
Many creams can instantly provide relief to the external hemorrhoid. Hydro-cortisone creams ease the irritation and Preparation-H or other hemorrhoidal creams can provide relief against swelling, irritation and itching. Hydro-cortisone creams should not be used for prolonged periods, because they can thin out the muscle walls and make the sphincter muscle weaker. This can aggravate the symptoms of external hemorrhoids.
Take Ibuprofen or Naproxen to help with inflammation and pain. These medications can be taken every 4 to 6 hours for pain as needed. If you must take them for a prolonged amount of time, you should speak to your physician first. If the pain is extreme, then your physician may call in a narcotic that is a bit stronger.
There are many astringents that are available over the counter. They dry up the area and cool the area to provide instant relief. These products usually contain aloe gel or witch hazel and can be available in the form of pads. After you use the bathroom, you should clean the area and pat dry, and then use one of the pads to directly pat the area; this can help immediately with the symptoms.