Vitamins for Leg Pain
Vitamin E
Vitamin E contains a rich amount of tocopherol, which can help increase circulation to the leg and alleviate symptoms of leg pain, such as cramps and throbbing, when taken on a regular basis. The capsules can be taken in 400 to 800 international units (I.U.) three times a day. Vitamin E can also be directly applied to the leg for immediate relief.
Calcium and Magnesium
Leg pain often occurs as the result of an imbalance of certain vitamins and minerals, which can be alleviated by taking calcium and magnesium supplements at the same time. Calcium acts by contracting the muscle causing the pain, while magnesium relaxes the leg muscles. This combination in particular is helpful in confusing the muscle causing the pain. Many doctors also recommend that individuals with leg pain take calcium citrate instead of calcium carbonate, the form that is often found in antacid tablets. It is advisable to take 500 milligrams of the citrate form with a glass of milk since Vitamin D can help with the absorption of calcium. Magnesium can be taken in 500 milligrams as well.
Potassium can also help with leg pain, specifically as it relates to muscle contraction. Low levels of potassium are generally not an issue, especially if an individual is eating a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables; however those who experience leg pain may be suffering from a deficiency. It is recommend to take one 99 milligram tablet of potassium a day. This amount is actually minuscule, amounting to only a few bites of a banana.