Prostitis Cure
Prostatitis can cause pain while urinating; difficulty urinating; pain in the penis, rectum, testicles, lower back and abdomen, or during sex; the need to urinate frequently; and, in some cases, chills, vomiting and a high fever. There are four main types of prostatitis: acute bacterial protatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, chronic prostatitis and asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis. All exhibit slightly different symptoms and require different methods of treatment.
Both acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis can be effectively cured with antibiotics. While chronic cases will require a longer period of treatment than acute cases, both can be cleared up usually within four weeks as long as the individual is careful to continue taking all of the prescribed medications, even if all symptoms have disappeared.
Alpha Blockers
For individuals with chronic prostatitits and chronic pain in the pelvis, there are fewer viable options for cures. Certain drugs, known as alpha blockers, can lessen the pain associated with the condition by causing the muscles around the bladder and prostate to relax.
Home Treatments
The prostatitis symptoms of all four types can often be greatly decreased by simply limiting intake of foods or beverages that are acidic or spicy, or that contain caffeine or alcohol. Other successful home treatments include soaking regularly in a warm bath and avoiding hard seats whenever possible.
Alternative Treatments
Acupuncture is thought to help men suffering from prostatitis--particularly chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain--gain relief from the symptoms associated with the condition, but this treatment option has not been confirmed.