Problems With an Enlarged Liver
Symptoms of an Enlarged Liver
When the liver becomes enlarged due to an illness or other medical condition; there are symptoms. The most common symptoms are feeling fatigued, loss of apetite, weakness, tenderness in the stomach over the area of the liver, possible pain, and even jaundice. Jaundice is the yellowing of the skin and of the eyes. When the white area in the eyes known as the sclera turns a yellow hue, this is a good indication that there is liver trouble.
Problems Related to an Enlarged Liver
Hepatomegaly is the enlargement of the liver. There are several reasons why a liver would become enlarged, with hepatitis being one of the most common reasons. There is also a fatty liver, an abscess on the liver and polycystic liver disease, which means multiple cysts. All of these can cause problems for the liver and cause it to become enlarged. The liver is responsible for making bile, a yellow or greenish alkaline-based liquid. It is stored in the gallbladder, then secreted into the small intestines to break down fats. When the liver is enlarged, the bile ducts become obstructed and the bile builds up in your system. This build-up is what causes the yellowing of the eyes and skin.
More Problems Associated With an Enlarged Liver
An enlarged liver can induce hepatitis. This is a form of hepatitis that is non-viral but rather is from the toxicity of the non-functioning, enlarged liver. If the liver does not work properly due to enlargement, the body is unable to digest foods properly; it is unable to absorb nutrients properly, and your body is unable to rid itself of the toxins that is necessary in order to live. With an enlarged liver, the body is unable to metabolize food properly. This means being on a special diet to prevent the liver from having to work too hard.
Warnings Associated With an Enlarged Liver
Preventing further damage to the liver is vital, especially if the liver has a chance to heal. Alcohol is very damaging on the liver and it is very important to stop any alcohol intake until further notice from your doctor. Make sure your doctor knows about all medication you take. You may be on a medication that can increase the damage, and your doctor may need to either change the medication or take you off of it altogether. Living as healthfully as possible is one way to help your liver, including following all of your doctor's orders.
Considerations If You Suspect Liver Trouble
Signs and symptoms of liver trouble should be addressed by a doctor immediately. You should never try to diagnose yourself, or treat yourself. The sooner the symptoms of an enlarged liver can be addressed, the sooner treatment can begin. Starting a treatment plan as soon as possible with an enlarged liver is crucial. It can mean the difference between developing a diseased liver and possibly needing a liver transplant, or having a full recovery.