How Can Meningitis Be Prevented?
Most cases of meningitis are caused by a virus. Less common but more dangerous is bacterial meningitis. In rare cases, a fungal infection or parasite can cause meningitis. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), viral meningitis occurs most often in children younger than the age of five, while bacterial meningitis is more commonly diagnosed in preteens and young adults.
The bacteria that cause bacterial meningitis are carried by up to one-fourth of the population. Good personal hygiene can help prevent the spread of bacteria. Don't share eating utensils, water bottles or glasses. Don't share lipstick or lip gloss. Wash your hands frequently.
Risk Factors
Living in close quarters, such as a sleepover camp or college dormitory, can increase the risk of contracting meningitis. Although meningitis can strike at any age, teens and college students are at increased risk. Certain diseases, medications and surgical procedures can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of meningitis.
The CDCrecommends a mengiococcal vaccine for all children between the ages of 11 and 18. This vaccine is also recommended for military recruits, people with certain immune system disorders or people who are traveling to an area where meningitis is common.
Promoting Health
Striving to keep the immune system healthy can protect you from many diseases. Eat a well-balanced diet, and be sure to include plenty of fruits and vegetables. Exercise regularly and get plenty of rest and sleep. Avoid using cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.
If you suspect that you or a member of your family has symptoms of meningitis, seek medical attention immediately. Although viral meningitis can go away on its own in a few days, bacterial meningitis may be a life-threatening emergency. There is no way to tell which type you have without medical intervention. Symptoms to watch for include fever, severe headache, confusion, stiff neck and vomiting. Also call your doctor if you have been exposed to meningitis. You may need to take medication to prevent getting sick.