Double Chin Reduction
What is a Double Chin?
A double chin means the skin under the chin sags. It can be a little, or an extreme amount, and it's very common in both men and women. Although many men will tell you that they do not like their double chin, women tend to be more conscientious of it and are more apt to want to do something about it. For double chin reduction, there are exercises that can be helpful, as well as a surgical procedure for a more permanent solution.
Double Chin Reduction
A surgical procedure for a double chin reduction involves redesigning the chin line. It is called submental liposuction and involves removing excess fatty tissue around the chin and the neckline. Many times a person who has nose surgery has a chin reduction to make the face more proportionate. For those who simply want a more well-defined chin line, the surgeon can redefine the chin and the jawline to give the chin a more prominent look instead of being swallowed by excess fat or tissue.
Reducing a Double Chin Without Surgery
To reduce a double chin without surgery, the first step is to watch what you eat. For many people, their caloric intake each day can increase or decrease a double chin. Regular exercise is also a way to reduce the fat around the chin. When the rest of the body is being worked out, the higher metabolism and burning of calories will also affect the chin and the fat around it.
Exercises to Get Rid of a Double Chin
The platysma is the muscle that is under the chin. By exercising this muscle, you can reduce the fat around the chin. Chewing a piece of sugar-free gum is a good way to exercise the jaw and the chin. Another good exercise is to pull your bottom lip up over your teeth and make the lower jaw like a shovel. Also, practice opening and closing the jaw several times in a row, a few times a day. This works out the muscles under the jaw and helps to strengthen it and tighten the muscle.
Considerations for Getting Rid of a Double Chin
You may want to start by trying to reduce your double chin without surgery. Surgery can be expensive, and there is always the possibility of complications. But, for some people, no matter what they do to reduce a double chin, it will not go away. It could be a genetic problem and the only way to correct it is to have the surgery.