Pregnancy Carpal Tunnel Relief
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & Pregnancy
Inside your wrist are tendons, ligaments, bones and the median nerve, which is protected by the carpal tunnel. The median nerve provides feeling and movement to your hand. When you are pregnant and retaining fluid, tissue and muscles swell and put pressure on the carpal tunnel, which then presses on the nerve. Holding your hand and wrist completely straight or up in the air provides some relief, because it takes the pressure off the nerve.
Wear a Brace
Wrist braces or splints are often prescribed by doctors to ease the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome. The brace keeps your wrist immobile and straight, so the carpal tunnel can protect the median nerve from the flexor tendons. Experts say wearing the brace all the time, especially when you sleep, will reduce the symptoms substantially.
Cut Down on Salt
Fluid retention or edema is often a part of pregnancy, because the body is producing twice as many fluids and blood products for the growing baby. Too much salt complicates this and puts additional pressure on your wrists and ankles. Reducing your sodium intake by cutting out soda, salty food and table salt reduces swelling around the carpal tunnel. Also, eat foods that are known to be natural diuretics such as asparagus, celery, onions and grapefruit.
Exercise Your Wrist
Taking a break from work and stretching your wrist and fingers can also provide relief. Curl all your fingers tightly together into a fist and then slowly roll the fist inward toward your shoulder. Hold it there for a few seconds and use muscle control to slowly roll it out again, extending your fingers one at a time until they are stretched apart. Repeat this exercise 5 times and try to do it several times a day.
Rest Your Wrist
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is often caused by repetitive motion, although doctors say it is also hereditary. The good news is if you didn't have it before you were pregnant, the symptoms will probably go away completely after delivery. But if you had it before you were pregnant, you spend a lot of time on the computer or your carpal tunnel syndrome is work related, your symptoms will be a lot worse. Try to take more breaks than usual, and if possible, change hands at work or bring a cushion or pillow with you to prop up your wrist and arm.