What Can Be Done for Adrenal Fatigue?

Many of us become overly fatigued as a result of stress and, if left untreated, it can cause a number of illnesses to occur. One of these is adrenal fatigue, which develops as a result of increased stress levels. It is hard to avoid stress in today's busy world, but, luckily, there are a few ways to reduce the symptoms of adrenal fatigue.
  1. Causes

    • One of the most common causes of adrenal fatigue is increased levels of stress. It can also develop when you have the flu, bronchitis or pneumonia.


    • If you have adrenal fatigue, you may look and act relatively normal, but you live daily with an overall feeling of unwellness, tiredness or melancholy feeling. You may feel rundown or overwhelmed, crave salty and sweet snacks, feel more awake and energized after 6 p.m. and have difficulty waking up in the morning.


    • Adrenal fatigue can be medically diagnosed by blood tests that show inadequate levels of adrenal hormones. Because many of the symptoms are similar to those of more serious illnesses, getting diagnosed by a doctor can be a life saver.

    Treatment: Nutrition

    • You must begin to pay attention to your diet and eat healthier foods. Avoid high-carb foods and increase fruits and vegetables. Also avoid "night-eating" and try to eat on a regular schedule.

    Treatment: Lifestyle

    • You must find a way to reduce stress levels. Find 10 minutes everyday to meditate or sit silently in a calm environment. Try working on a deep breathing technique for situations when you feel overstressed. Another way to reduce stress is to do light exercise a few times a week.

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