Household Head Lice Cures
Household Cures
With any treatment, it may not work fully the first time. You may need to apply any of these household cures two to three times in order to kill all of the lice. In some cases, it may be necessary to pick the remaining lice out of your hair by hand. Also, try rubbing Vaseline in your hair. While Vaseline suffocates the lice, it will be very hard to get the Vaseline out of your hair and it may require many shampooings to get the product out. You may also want to try using dishwashing liquid in your hair to get the Vaseline out.
You could also take regular shampoo and mix it with 3 tbsp. of olive oil, 1 tsp. of tea tree oil and 1 tsp. of eucalyptus oil. Massage this mixture through your hair and leave it in for a half hour. Another option is to rub shaving cream all over your hair to form a thick coat. Leave it on for a half hour. The chemicals from the shaving cream will work to kill the lice and its eggs.
One other remedy is to try rubbing Listerine antiseptic mouthwash through the hair. It contains chemicals that are effective in killing lice. White vinegar can also be used to loosen the lice eggs from the hair before you pick them out. To use this treatment, soak the hair in white vinegar then apply a damp towel that has also been dipped in this mixture to your hair. Leave on for 30 minutes and then use a comb to pick out the lice from the hair.