How to Cure Tendonitis Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Brace
- Fish oil supplements
- Ice pack or heating pad
Alter your activities. Tendonitis typically develops after engaging in physical activities such as tennis, basketball and running. To alleviate pain and heal an inflamed tendon, refrain from all exercises or activities that could irritate the injury, including low-impact workouts such as walking and yoga. Rest the injury until the pain subsides and you regain mobility--generally one to three weeks.
Use cold or heat therapy. Both cold and heat therapies are effective remedies for tendonitis. Use an ice pack or heating pad and apply the compress to inflamed tendons--20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. These remedies reduce swelling and pain associated with inflammation.
Take fish oil supplements. Fish oil supplements feature omega-3 fatty acids, a natural anti-inflammatory. Purchase supplements from a health food store and take the supplement as directed to ease pain associated with tendonitis.
Rest your body to speed your recovery. Sleep at least eight hours per night to promote healing.
To keep the injury immobilized and to prevent further aggravation, wear a brace or splint. This supports the injury and reduces inflammation. Braces and splints vary according to the injury and are available from drug stores or pharmacies. Braces designed for tendonitis injuries include ankle braces, knee braces and wrist braces. If dealing with tendonitis in the shoulder, consider wearing a sling to immobolize the injured shoulder or arm.
Clean and dry the affected area before applying the brace. Place the brace around the injury, and then secure the brace using the straps or laces.