What are the Treatments for Poor Circulation?
Cardiovascular health is essential to the health of the circulatory system. The heart pumps blood through the body and the blood vessels must be strong and clear enough to allow that blood to travel through the body. Cardiovascular exercise such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing and any other activity that gets the blood pumping and the heartbeat increasing improves circulation, helps to keep the heart muscle strong and the blood vessels clear.
Eating well is essential to overall health, and circulation is affected by fatty foods and smoking. Unhealthy fats in fried foods can clog the arteries and add strain to heart. Smoking blocks the oxygen supply to the blood and slows circulation. Fresh fruits and vegetables help to keep the body hydrated and clean and drinking at least eight glasses of water a day will also help to cleanse the body.
Detoxification will give the insides of the body a good cleaning and will help promote healthy blood flow through the blood vessels by cleansing excess fats and plaque from the body. This can be done through fasting. You can choose to eat only fruit and vegetables for three to 10 days or you can choose to drink water and not eat for at all for three to 10 days. If you are doing this it is wise to add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of honey or grade B maple syrup and a tiny pinch of cayenne pepper to each glass of water. It is important when doing this fast to drink 12 glasses of water a day. See your doctor before beginning any fast.
Herbs such as ginger, garlic, cayenne pepper and ginkgo biloba are all beneficial for improving circulation. Supplements containing vitamin B groups will help metabolize proteins and carbohydrates, creating more energy and preventing sluggishness through the body. Omega 3 fatty acids will help to break down and clear unhealthy cholesterol from the body and strengthen the blood vessels. See your doctor before taking any supplements.
Medical Options
Medical treatment for poor circulation involves taking blood thinners prescribed by your doctor or medications used to dilate specific arteries that may be clogged. Antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants may be prescribed to prevent blood from clotting. A doctor may suggest a surgery through which another vein is used to bypass the clog in the artery or a procedure to enlarge an artery to improve blood flow.