What Causes Epilepsy in Adults?
Head Injury
Sometimes a head injury is the cause of epilepsy in adults. Such injuries typically stem from a blow to the head caused by an automobile crash, fall or other accident.
Often times, brain dementia eventually results in epilepsy, making it another frequent cause of the disease, particularly in older adults.
Diseases and infections that affect the neurological system, especially the brain, also cause epilepsy in adults. Examples of such diseases are meningitis, encephalitis and HIV.
Heart Attack and Stroke
When a stroke or heart attack result in brain damage, epilepsy sometimes occurs. In fact, the Mayo Clinic reports that stroke is responsible for 50 percent of epilepsy cases in adults over age 65.
The Epilepsy Foundation reports that in 70 percent of all new epilepsy cases, including those found in adults, no particular cause is ever found.