Herbal Treatment for Thrush
Dietary Changes
The website for Natures Clinicals reports that changing your diet and removing any foods with mold or yeast is a good start. The website recommends that you stop drinking alcohol and sugary drinks. It also recommends not eating fungus (mushrooms), yeast breads, whole grains, fruit and condiments. The website reports that you should instead eat more fresh vegetables, nuts, seeds, oils and acidophiles yogurt. It is also very important to drink lots of water to flush out your system.
Natural Fungicides
The website for Natures Clinicals reports that there are certain natural fungicides that can help with the treatment and preventions of yeast. These include:
Herbal Remedies
The website for Natures Clinicals lists various herbs that can be taken in the form of capsules, teas and powders. They recommend that you use one tsp per cup of hot water and drink 2-4 cups of tea per day. These herbs are as follows:
Antifungal: pau d'arco bark--best used as a tea.
Anti-inflamatory: chamomile and licorice (do not take licorice if you have high blood pressure).
Digestive and Immune Stimulants: goldenseal, barberry and Oregon grape root.There are of course other types of herbal remedies that you can try. Your local health food store or pharmacist can help recommend various herbs. If your infection persists you should see your physician.