How to Stop Enuresis
Do not give your child any fluids a few hours before his bedtime. This will prevent a full bladder during sleep. Keep your child hydrated throughout the day by giving him at least 7 glasses of water.
Purchase a bed-wetting alarm. An alarm can teach your child to react to bladder sensations during the nighttime. You can find high-quality bed alarms at
Use waterproof sheets and a pair of trainer pants. Continue to use these articles until your child is capable of waking up three nights in a row without wetting the bed.
Give positive encouragement and praise to your child for dry nights. This will psychologically help enforce awareness and control over his bladder.
Teach your child to control his bladder during the daytime. If he says he has to go to the bathroom, ask him to hold off urinating for a minute--but no longer than two. With each bathroom session, increase the time limit for the child to hold it in. This method will help strengthen his control over his bladder.