Stress & Anxiety Dry Mouth Cures
Breathing Exercises
Stress and anxiety can cause you to breathe differently. You may not even notice, but your body will. By working on some breathing exercises you can not only stop your mouth from becoming dry, but calm yourself down as well. This helps you deal with both the stress and dry mouth at the same time. Make sure you are in a room with no noise and have a seat on a chair or couch. Take a deep breath in and hold it for 10 seconds, then slowly let it out. Don't let it all out at once. Repeat this four or five times and then take a break. If you do it any longer than that you might get light-headed. The trick is to do this once every few hours throughout the day and anytime that you begin to feel anxious. Eventually you will be breathing normally again and your dry mouth will go away.
Keep your mouth moist. It is important that you are drinking eight glasses of water each day, as dehydration can exacerbate dry mouth. Throughout the day, suck on hard candies to keep your mouth moist. Another trick is to take a shower first thing in the morning and make sure it is hot enough to cause steam. Breath the steam in your nose and down your throat. This will alleviate any dryness caused during the night.
Things to Avoid
Certain things can cause dry mouth and or make the dry mouth worse. Both alcohol and caffeinated beverages cause dehydration. This will leave your mouth dry. You should avoid them. You should also stay away from foods that are acidic or spicy as they can cause acid reflux. Acid reflux can cause a dry mouth as well. These types of foods are also known to cause anxiety levels to rise as well.
Professional Help
If you are not able to control your stress and anxiety levels, you may not be able to get rid of the dry mouth. Once you have tried unsuccessfully to cure your dry mouth yourself, you need to get a professional involved. A trained counselor will be able to help you with the root of your problem. By dealing with the anxiety origin, you can help to reduce and eventually eliminate the anxiety. Your dry mouth will continue to be less of a problem until it is completely cured.