Jock Itch Prevention
One of the easiest ways to prevent jock itch is bathe or shower regularly, particularly after exercising or performing any activity that causes you to sweat. It's also important to be sure to dry the groin with a clean, dry towel after bathing or sweating extensively. To prevent moisture from accumulating, use a powder. It can also be helpful to change your underwear after exercising or sweating because the underware can become damp and create an environment that allows fungus to thrive. Also be sure to wash sweaty clothes and towels after each use.
To help prevent jock itch, wear loose-fitting cotton underwear. When spending time in hot, humid conditions, be sure to avoid wearing thick clothing or too much clothing because that can cause sweat to accumulate. It's also important to make sure your clothing fits properly. Tight-fitting clothing can contribute to jock itch. Athletic supporters should also not be too small or too tight because it can lead to jock itch.
Other Tips
Another way to help prevent jock itch is to make sure to promptly treat athlete's foot, another type of fungal infection. If left untreated, athlete's foot can spread to the groin and genitals, causing jock itch. Also, don't share towels or clothing because that can facilitate the spread of jock itch. While at the gym, be sure to wipe down any machines before using them.
Jock itch can easily be treated with antifungal medications, which are available as ointments, powders, lotions or sprays. Most cases will respond well to any of the over-the-counter products available, but in more severe cases, a prescription-strength antifungal medication might be necessary. There are two types of over-the-counter anitfungals: allylamines and azoles. Allylamines typically require a shorter treatment to clear up the infection but are more expensive than azoles, which may require a longer treatment period.