What Is the Treatment for a Penile Yeast Infection?
Symptoms of a Penile Yeast Infection
Before you can treat a penile yeast infection you must be able to recognize the symptoms. The most visible symptoms are redness, itching, and irritation at the head of the penis. In some cases men will have a lumpy white discharge and in even rarer cases men will develop small blisters on the penis.
Some men never have visible signs of a penile yeast infection. Men with sexual partners under treatment for a yeast infection should seek the advice of a health care provider.
Treating a Penile Yeast Infection with Oral Medication
The most effective way to treat a penile yeast infection is by visiting your physician for a prescription medication used to kill the candida (yeast) within your body. Your doctor will likely prescribe either Diflucan (aka fluconazole) or Nizoral (aka ketaconazole). Both are broad spectrum drugs and will effectively kill several different strains of candida.
Using Monistat to Treat a Penile Yeast Infection
Women suffering from vaginal yeast infections usually use a product known as Monistat (or a similar alternative). Monistat is an antifungal cream that is applied as a suppository. Some doctors recommend applying Monistat to the outside of the penis for a few days to clear up the infection.
Some men have found that this remedy does not always work. Others have found that adding a few drops of white vinegar to the Monistat before application makes it work more effectively (though adding too much vinegar may prove caustic to your skin).
This technique may be most effective for men who know their sexual partners have a yeast infection. It is often used as a preventative measure while their partners are undergoing treatment for their own visible symptoms.
Avoiding Foods with Yeast
Men suffering from a penile yeast infection should carefully review their diets. Beer, baked goods, sugary foods, and dairy products can all contribute to the development and continuation of your yeast infection. Cut these foods out of your diet as you treat your infection and try to limit them once it is cured. Doing so will aid in preventing future infections.
Applying Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is a natural remedy used to treat a wide variety of medical conditions and it has been found useful in the treatment of penile yeast infections. Tea tree oil is very potent and should never be applied to the skin without first being diluted in a carrier oil. Mix 2-3 drops of tea tree oil into a tablespoon or so of grapeseed oil, olive oil, or whatever lubricant you usually use (even K-Y jelly works). Apply the solution to the exterior of the penis just as you would if you were using Monistat. The tea tree oil solution can be applied several times per day until the condition clears up.
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