How to Use a Feeding Tube
Things You'll Need
- Washcloth
- Towel
- Soap
- Water
- Flushing syringe
- Dispensing funnel and extending tube
- Prescribed mixtures of foods or medications
How to Use a Feeding Tube
Monitor the incision for infection and leakage. Red or inflamed skin near the incision is a sign of infection. A small amount of tan colored fluid near the tube is acceptable. Any other fluid leakage indicates improper functioning of a feeding tube. Consult your physician if infection or leakage is suspected.
Check the tube for proper placement before each use. The G tube will be marked with a line that shows just above of the incision. The tube is moving and may dislodge if the line disappears or rises further out from skin level. See your doctor immediately for correction of feeding tube placement. A second surgery to insert the tube may be necessary if it comes out of the incision.
Flush feeding tubes regularly to keep them clean and avoid clogging. Use a syringe filled with water to flush a feeding tube before and after dispensing medicine or food through the tube. Flush with water every 8 hours between uses.
Dispense liquid medicine or foods through a g tube. Mix foods and medicines according to doctors instructions. Open the cap attached to the feeding tube. Slip the extension tube into the opening and insert the funnel at the other end. Hold the funnel up far enough to stretch the extension tube, without pulling against the implanted tube. Pour liquid medicine or food into the funnel. Do not overfill the extension tube and spill liquid out of the funnel. Allow all fluids to drain into the patient's stomach before removing the extension tube. Replace the cap after flushing the G tube. Thoroughly wash the extension tube and funnel with warm soapy water.
Clean the incision and the feeding tube with soap and water after each use. Wet a clean washcloth with warm water and soap to gently wash around the tube, incision and nearby skin. Rinse the washcloth out with warm water and use it to rinse the area, then pat dry with a clean towel.