Prostatitis Home Treatment
Prostatitis is medically defined as an inflammation of the prostate gland, which is found just below the bladder. Prostatitis is caused by swelling of this gland, which can inhibit the flow of urine from the bladder through the urethra. Treating bouts of prostatitis at home is ideal for those who experience frequent bacterial infections, though any issue that isn't resolved within two to three days should be addressed by a qualified physician.-
Control of Symptoms
Relief from pain is usually uppermost on the minds of most men suffering from a bout of prostatitis. Taking a warm bath may help provide some relief. Nonprescription painkillers such as acetaminophen or an NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug) such as aspirin or ibuprofen may also provide some relief.
Choose foods high in fiber such as vegetables and whole-grain breads when experiencing a bout of prostatitis to make elimination easier on you. Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water. Some find relief by drinking cranberry juice as well.
Herbal Treatments
Many individuals benefit from herbal treatments such as the use of saw palmetto and bee pollen extract, goldenseal and lycopene. Such herbs may be found in capsule or pill form at local drug or natural health food stores and should be taken according to directions on the bottle. Talk to your doctor about herbal supplements, especially if you are on other prescription drugs, as interactions may occur.