Hermaphrodite Information
The word "hermaphrodite" comes from the Greek word hermaphroditos; Hermaphroditos was a Greek that had both female and male sex features.
The Intersex Society of North America estimates that one in 100 babies are born with genitalia outside of the female or male standard, and one or two in 1000 births resulting in an individual having surgery to normalize genitalia
Hermaphoditism occurs naturally in a number of plant breeds, some fish and invertebrate animals such as flatworms, earthworms, snails and slugs.
Although plants and animals can be "true" hermaphrodites and have both fully functioning male and female parts no known human has ever been born with complete female and male anatomies.
According to the Intersex Society of America, individuals born with ambiguous genitalia or sex chromosome disorders prefer the term "intersex" as it is more inclusive than the word hermaphrodite.