Tinea Pedis Prevention
The easiest way to avoid tinea pedis is to avoid the places where it is most likely to be. Public showers are one of the easiest places to pick up this condition. If someone in the shower is infected, the fungus can easily be left behind. It will then continue to grow in moist conditions and latch on to another person who showers. There is no way to see it or avoid it other than wearing flip-flops or sandals into the shower. Even then it can still take hold.
Foot Hygiene
Even with proper foot care, athlete's foot may develop in some circumstances. However, thoroughly washing the feet, followed by a thorough drying, can help. Those who find they are in closed shoes with sweaty feet all day may still find this does little good, but it should help the vast majority of others.
There are socks that are more breathable and when treated with anti-fungal products, they whisk moisture away. They may be hard to find, but they are available. Look at a store that caters more to blue collar workers and sportsmen, such as anglers and hunters. These products are in high demand by both groups. Wearing treated socks that have divisions for each toe may be especially beneficial to those who have recurring problems.
Wearing lightweight, breathable shoes is a good option. Even sandals may be good for those who can pull it off. Some may not be able to wear such shoes because of job requirements. Blue collar workers, for example, may be required to wear boots on site. Others may be required to wear closed-toe dress shoes. For them, socks, or the next option, may be best.
Anti-Fungal Treatments
There are a number of treatments available to fight tinea pedis. These cures can be used either before an infection starts for prevention or after an infection happens. The most common products are those with the following active ingredients: boric acid, tolnaftate, terbinafine, or betamethasone and clotrimazole. These products may be available either in spray form or powder form. They may also come as creams, but these are better suited for treating infection, rather than prevention of tinea pedis.