How to Get Rid of a Sore Throat Quickly
Things You'll Need
- Saltwater
- Herbal tea
- Honey
- Zinc gluconate
- Garlic
Gargle with saltwater to get rid of a sore throat quickly. Mix 1 tsp. regular salt in a pint of slightly warm water. Swallow a mouthful and gargle noisily for 15 to 30 seconds. This will soothe pain and irritation in your throat.
Sip hot herbal tea with a kiss of honey in it. The warmth of the tea, the soothing herbs and the thick honey will all work together to reduce the soreness. Try chamomile or peppermint tea.
Suck on a lozenge that contains benzocaine to help numb the pain. Also, try zinc gluconate tablets. A study at the University of Texas at Austin found that zinc gluconate helps reduce a sore throat. Let the lozenges dissolve in your throat and hold the liquid for a few seconds before swallowing.
Eat garlic to get rid of a sore throat quickly. Garlic has anti-viral properties so if your sore throat is caused by a flu virus or the like, try adding some garlic to your daily meals to help fight the infection.