Cures for External Hemorrhoids
Sitz Baths
Soak in a bathtub filled with a few inches of hot water at least three times a day and after every bowel movement. This is one of the best treatments. It will lesson the pain and eliminate the swelling. After you have soaked in the tub, you should be sure you gently pat the area dry so that is does not become irritated and torn.
If the hemorrhoid is very inflamed and does not respond to treatment, then you will need to see your physician for surgery. This method is usually recommended if you have hemorrhoids that cannot be pushed back into place or have continued bleeding or itching. In order to cure the hemorrhoid, the surgeon will either inject medication to make the veins shrink or will place bands around the hemorrhoid so that the blood supply is cut off and it will shrink. Less often, they will use cryotherapy, which freezes the hemorrhoid, or they will cut the enlarged veins off.
Pills, creams and oils have a high success rate in curing hemorrhoids. Most can be purchased over the counter. Pills, such as Avatrol, can be used and show a significant cure rate. Users usually have a low rate of occurrence. Avatrol can be purchased online. Creams and oils work very well and can shrink the swollen veins immediately. This method can be very messy since they are applied to the skin and can cause stains on your clothing and even leak-through. Venapro is an oil and Zenmed is a cream that are often used. If left untreated, the hemorrhoid will more than likely grow and will need surgery.