Hip Pain Relief
There are many muscles that attach to the hip joint. Sometimes just heating the muscles and using some liniment to get some blood circulating into the area can ease your pain or take the edge off the pain to help you function better.
The areas to address are the back of the legs, the front of the legs, low back and the butt area. This entire area can be affected by one tight muscle, so you need to try to isolate the area that's causing the pain.
What to do
Figure out what movement it hurts to do.
Apply the heat to the muscle areas and let it penetrate into the muscles for about 15 minutes.
If you feel the pain easing, then those muscles are part of the problem and you need to readdress them later.
After applying heat, use a liniment that will soak into the muscles like workout liniment. After you have heated the areas and applied the liniment, try to do the movement it hurt to do before your therapy. Any sore areas you come across should be readdressed also.
Do not reapply heat once you use liniment.
Wash your hands well after using the liniment or before going to the bathroom.