Bronchospasm Prevention
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Many doctors will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to help prevent bronchospasms in individuals who experience them regularly. These drugs include cromolyn sodium and corticosteroids. They help to treat the underlying inflammation and thus prevent the airway from constricting.
Beta-Agonist Drugs
Beta-agonist drugs are used to relax the smooth muscles in the airway. Beta-agonist drugs include albuterol, metaproterenol and terbutaline. While these drugs work to prevent bronchospasm attacks, they treat only the symptoms and not the underlying causes.
Avoiding Triggers
One of the most common ways of preventing bronchospasms involves avoiding the triggers that cause them. Those who experience exercise-induced asthma should not exercise; those who have bronchospasms caused by a food allergy should avoid the offending food; and those who regularly contract respiratory infections should work with their doctors to improve their immune systems.