Heavy Period Cure
Symptoms of Heavy Periods
Other symptoms can be fatigue and anemia. Due to the high level of blood loss, it can cause an iron deficiency. Blood clots may accompany it, along with pain in the lower abdomen or uterus. Periods typically last longer than seven days.
Remedies for Heavy Periods
Hormone therapy in the form of birth control pills is effective for treating menorrhagia. It helps to decrease the flow and regulate ovulation. Iron supplements are a good preventative measure in anticipation of possible anemia. Ibuprofen can help ease the cramping and excess bleeding.
Home remedies can be helpful, as well. Coriander seeds mixed with tea can be good for the heavy flow. Cinnamon can also be used to control heavy menstruation. It can be eaten in the powdered form or boiled in water or added to tea. Asoka-aristha is wine made from Asoka and is helpful in reducing symptoms.
It is also imperative that a woman with a heavy menstrual cycle adapt her diet to include beneficial food. Milk, raw vegetables and salads are a good choice in the first few days of a woman's cycle. Caffeine and stimulants, in any form, should be avoided because they create a heavier flow. After the cycle has stopped, it is important to limit physical activity.
Thermal Ablation
Thermal ablation is a medical outpatient procedure that involves stripping a layer of the endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus. It is a procedure done to bypass a hysterectomy. It is, however, invasive and entails using heat, directly put on with a rod, roller ball or a hot water balloon that burns away the lining. No incisions are necessary because it is inserted through the vagina. Women are typically unable to get pregnant after the endometrial ablation procedure. Progesterone or Lupron, a drug to thin the lining of the uterine, are usually prescribed. A side effect of endometrial ablation is that the uterus can be perforated and could cause adverse effects and damage to the bowel and bladder. In addition, heavy bleeding and cramps can continue a few weeks after having the procedure.