Cures for Bedsores
Initial Treatment
Also called pressure sores or pressure ulcers, bedsores typically develop on or around the buttocks or the feet. Medical personnel and loved ones should be aware of the dangers of bedsores and constantly observe the patient for any potential skin breakdowns (bedsores typically begin as a reddish or purple area on the skin).
At the first signs of bedsores, the patient should change body position regularly to stimulate blood flow and movement. A patient may be transferred to a specialized mattress that alternates pressure to the body via a rolling method or through controlled air pockets.
Wound Care Management
A wound care specialist should tend to the wound, making efforts to restore blood flow, remove dead tissue and prevent the tissue from drying out. Medicated creams applied to the wound may not only reduce the risk of further infection but also keep the sore clean. The sore also should be bandaged by a wound care professional.
Debridement, a method wound care specialists use to remove dead tissue, must also be employed. There are several different ways to remove the tissue, and they most often depend upon the bedsores' severity. Methods include using special dressings to enhance the body's own natural healing process, using medical maggots to clean the wound and rid it of excess bacteria, using chemical enzymes to remove dead tissue, or removing the tissue with medical instruments.
Diet to Stimulate Healing
The body's healing system may be vulnerable due to previous conditions or from fighting the wound itself. It is important for a patient to consume a high-protein diet, which helps the skin to heal more easily. A physician may also prescribe a liquid protein supplement called Pro-Stat to provide patients a direct source of consuming protein.