Symptoms of Liver Disease & Jaundice
Of all the symptoms of liver disease associated with jaundice, fatigue is probably the most common, no matter the stage of the cirrhosis. This fatigue, weariness or exhaustion usually begins later in the day and is seemingly unexplained to the individual. Unlike most medical condition, the state of fatigue is not dictated by the progression of the disease.
Skin Discomfort
Often accompanying this fatigue is skin discomfort. This discomfort usually starts out as an irritation or itchiness along the skin of the arms, legs and back. And much like the symptom of fatigue, discomfort often worsens as the day progresses.
Another common symptom of liver disease associated with jaundice is dryness, especially during the onset of biliary cirrhosis. When affected by this particular symptom, a person often feels an abnormal dryness within the eyes and mouth, prompting the eyes to sting and the throat to feel sore. It can also produce some difficulty in swallowing.
Intestinal Problems
This type of liver disease can also trigger intestinal problems. This is largely due to the bile deficiency experienced in the digestive system. As less and less bile is fed into the digestive tract, a person can suffer from diarrhea and unusual-smelling stools.
Besides the yellowing of the skin (as well as eyes) prompted by jaundice, a person with this type of liver disease can also experience a different discoloration to the skin. With this symptom, skin begins to darken due to the escalation of melanin often seen in a reduction of bile.
It's also not uncommon for a person to experience swelling with primary biliary cirrhosis. Any damage to the liver causes the body to retain certain substances, including salt and water. As the condition persists, these fluids begin to collect within both the feet and abdomen, causing them to swell. This swelling may also be seen in the collection of fatty deposits within any fold of skin along the body, like the back of the knee, the front of the elbow and even the lids of the eye.
This type of liver disease can also cause a person to suffer from an increased amount of infections, namely those involving the urinary tract. Though the relationship between these two types of conditions is still unclear; it is believed that the bacteria causing the infection is the same as the one causing the cirrhosis, according to the Mayo Clinic.