Symptoms of External Hemorrhoids
Anal Lumps
Lumps around the anus are the classic symptom of external hemorrhoids, according to the Mayo Clinic. There may be one or more hard lumps, which are usually sensitive or painful to the touch. Although the lumps caused by a prolapsed internal hemorrhoid can be pushed back into the anus, the anal lumps caused by an external hemorrhoid cannot be pushed inside.
Bleeding from the hemorrhoid or opening of the anus is a symptom of external hemorrhoids, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. Bright red blood may be found on toilet paper or in the toilet bowl, especially after a bowel movement. If bleeding from external hemorrhoids is persistent or heavy, medical treatment by a doctor may be necessary.
External hemorrhoids may cause symptoms such as irritation and itching around the anus. The irritation caused by external hemorrhoids can cause discomfort and can make cleaning the area after a bowel movement difficult. Irritations on external hemorrhoids can be caused by excessive cleaning, harsh soaps or sexual contact, which can increase the risk of bleeding.
Itching of the anus and nearby skin is a symptom of external hemorrhoids. The itching can be intense, and can be triggered by fibers in clothing or perfumes and dyes in soaps. Itching can be reduced by home remedies such as witch hazel or by medicated ointments available over the counter or by a doctor's prescription. Soaking in a hot bath is another home remedy often suggested to pregnant women.
The pain that is a common symptom of external hemorrhoids may be intense during a bowel movement, especially if the feces are hard and dry, such as during constipation. External hemorrhoids can also be painful while sitting in a chair or laying on the back when sleeping.
Swelling around the anal area is a symptom of external hemorrhoids. Swelling in an external hemorrhoid may indicate the presence of a blood clot, especially if the swelling is accompanied by intense pain and bleeding. Swelling can also result from sitting on the hemorrhoid for a long time, especially sitting on a hard or cold or uncushioned surface.