How to Wear a Hernia Belt
Things You'll Need
- Hernia belt (usually prescribed by a doctor)
Successful usage is determined by your hernia type
Pick the right kind of hernia belt. Make sure the belt or truss has one or two hernia pads, corresponding to the nature of the hernia (one side versus both sides affected). Some underwear and wrap-around types come with two detachable pads so they may be placed on one side or both as the hernia type dictates. Having the proper appliance goes a long way toward success!
Apply the truss/belt according to the type of garment you have If it is a wrap-around variety, wrap it; with an underwear/jock strap version, slide it up or step into it. Make sure it is the proper size and there are no unwanted pressure areas anywhere.
Position the hernia pad(s) directly over the defect in the abdominal wall (hernia site). If the hernia is bilateral, be sure both pads are properly positioned and are indeed reducing the hernias.
Secure the belt/truss against your abdomen in a gentle but firm manner, exerting just enough pressure to "push the bulge(s) back in." Once the hernia(s) have been reduced, secure the adjustment straps of the garment to maintain pressure.