Osteonecrosis Treatment

Osteonecrosis is a condition in which the bones die and collapse because they lose their blood supply. When this happens, it causes arthritis and pain. The cause of osteonecrosis is unknown, but risk factors include disease such as arthritis and cancer, and long-term steroid use and joint injuries. Any bones can be affected by osteonecrosis, but it most commonly develops in the upper leg and hip joint. It is also common in the knees, shoulder, upper arm and ankles. In most cases, the condition develops without any symptoms, but as it worsens people will begin to experience pain.
  1. Surgical Treatment

    • Numerous surgical procedures are available to help patients with osteonecrosis. The type of procedure recommended often depends on what bones are affected by the condition. The most common procedure is called core decompression and involves removing part of the affected bone to allow the bone to decompress and heal which alleviates the pain. Core decompression is most successful in cases that are not too far advanced. Total or partial hip replacements are often used in more severe cases. Bone grafting, or using healthy bone to replace the damaged bone, can help stimulate new bone growth to treat the condition. Another procedure used to treat osteonecrosis of the hip is called osteotomy, which involves cutting and rotating the bone so it is better able to bear weight.

    Non-Surgical Treatment

    • In most cases, non-surgical treatment of osteocronosis involves using devices or implements to assist in weight-bearing activities such as walking. Patients can use crutches, walkers or canes to help with walking without experiencing too much pain. Non-surgical treatments are generally used before patients decide to have surgery to treat the condition. In many cases, using crutches, a walker or a cane can help protect the joint from further damage before surgery.

    Drug Treatment

    • Although no drug has been approved specifically to treat osteonecrosis, there are prescription medications that can help. Most of the drugs available to treat osteonecrosis help treat the symptoms of the condition, such as pain caused by inflammation. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs or other types of pain relievers can help alleviate some of the pain patients experience. In severe cases, pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs may not be enough to stop the condition from affecting a patient's everyday life.

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