Signs & Symptoms of Bladder Problems
The Most Common Symptom of Bladder Problems
The most common symptom of a bladder problem is an urgency to urinate or frequent urination. People who suffer from this problem may feel that their bladder isn't completely empty even after using the restroom. An individual who frequents the bathroom so often that it interferes with work, sleep or home life is experiencing a potential bladder problem. Common causes of frequent urination are urinary tract infections and certain medications.
Frequent and urgent urination can also be caused by kidney stones or kidney infections. Merk Pharmaceutical recommends that people who have a frequent urgency to urinate and is accompanied by pain or swelling should be evaluated immediately by a doctor.
Other Effects of Bladder Problems
Urinary pain, in the form of a burning sensation or pain in the pelvic area, is another common symptom of a bladder problem and can occur for numerous reasons. The most common causes for urinary pain is a urinary tract infection (UTI). Each year, millions of people are infected with a UTI, which is caused by urine that is not sterile. When urine contains any bacteria, fungi or viruses, it can cause pain in the urethra. Sometimes the bacteria has developed because it has been moved from one part of the body to the urinary tract, and other times the pain is there because a sexually transmitted disease such as chlamydia or mycoplasma has been contracted. UTIs are usually treated with antibiotics like penicillin and can be cured after a couple of days of treatment.
Difficulty in urinating is also a sign of a bladder problem. With this issue, the bladder holds the urine even though a person has the urge to release it. This problem can be caused by injuries, infections and sometimes even medication. One of the most common causes of urinary retention is dehydration, which can simply be resolved by drinking more water.
Bladder Problems Caused By Pregnancy and Age
One of the most embarrassing signs of a bladder problem is incontinence, in which a person has no voluntary control over when they urinate. This lack of self control can result from weak pelvic muscles. The bladder is an organ that is composed of a muscle, tissue and lots of nerves. Every time the bladder fills with urine, it expands and the urine is stored and eventually released through the urethra. When the muscles are weak, they relax, and the urethra and bladder are unable to retain the urine the bladder has stored. These muscles can become weaker due to injuries, aging and trauma, as well as the result of pregnancy and childbirth.
Blood in the urine is probably one of the most frightening signs of a bladder problem; however, it's not always a cause of serious concern. According to the Mayo Clinic, one of the most common causes of blood in the urine is excessive exercise. If the urine is bloody due to too much exercise, the blood will usually go away on its own within a day or so. If not, the person should seek medical care because this could be an underlying cause of a more severe health issue.
In a study published by BJU International, Arun Sahai and other scientists at Guy's Hospital and Kings College in London discovered that Botox may be a solution to bladder problems. Although the injections are typically used to reduce wrinkles and facial lines, they may also be used to give relief to someone suffering with an overactive bladder. A jab of Botox can work for up to 24 weeks and have a significant impact on a weak bladder.
Solving bladder problems requires a visit to the doctor and a proper diagnosis. Fortunately, most bladder problems can be solved with medication or dietary changes. An individual experiencing bladder problems should seek medical attention.
There are natural ways that a bladder issue can be treated. For instance, dietary changes, exercising the pelvic muscles and supplements such as vitamins can help alleviate symptoms of bladder problems without the need for harsh medications or surgical procedures.