Signs of Liver Failiure

Liver failure occurs when drugs or viral infection inhibit the organ's ability to function. The liver is responsible for many biological processes in the body, including sugar metabolism, recycling of waste material and destruction of chemicals. The loss of liver function creates a buildup of toxins in the body that can be deadly if not treated quickly.
  1. Jaundice

    • The most common symptom of liver failure is jaundice. This occurs when the toxins buildup in the system, and the yellowing of waste material enters tissue, causing discoloration in eyes and skin.


    • Encephalopathy is caused by toxin buildup in the brain, causing damage to the tissue. Encephalopathy causes mood changes and irritability due to nerve tissue toxicity.


    • In severe cases where liver function is not treated quickly, damage of body tissue leads to unconsciousness and coma.

    Improper Blood Clotting

    • The liver creates certain clotting factors for cuts and scrapes. When liver failure occurs, the chemicals released are not produced, so excessive bleeding happens with damage to skin tissue.

    Kidney Failure

    • The most common next step in liver failure in the body is the breakdown of function in the kidneys. The kidneys are unable to filter the increasing amount of toxins in the bloodstream, so acute kidney failure is experienced.

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