How to Get Rid of a Yeast Infection at Home
Yeast infections are common, and they're caused by an overgrowth of the candida fungus. Several factors contribute to yeast infections such as a low immune system, pregnancy, stress and taking antibiotics. And common symptoms include itching, vaginal tenderness, white discharge and painful urination. While uncomfortable, there are ways to quickly remedy a yeast infection at home.Instructions
Buy OTC antifungal creams. Over-the-counter medications include active ingredients such as miconazole and clotrimazole that kill the infection and ease symptoms. Use medications as directed.
Use yogurt. Yogurt contains a bacteria that kills yeast. Eat yogurt to get rid of a yeast infection as home or topically apply yogurt to the vaginal area.
Take garlic supplements. Garlic is an antifungal agent and an effective at-home remedy for yeast infections. Eat a garlic clove or take garlic capsules to cure the infection.
Experiment with cranberries. Cranberries are widely used to prevent and treat urinary tract infections. This is also an effective treatment for yeast infections because cranberries reduces urine pH levels, and acidic urine can kill the infection. Drink cranberry juice or take cranberry supplements to get rid of an infection.
Keep the area dry. Excess moisture in the genital area can trigger a yeast infection and prolong an infection. Completely dry the area after bathing, and wear cotton underwear and loose fitting clothes.