Anal Yeast Infection Treatment
Anal yeast infections are difficult to detect, and the symptoms, including itching and pain during bowel movements, are often falsely associated with those that mirror other digestive tract problems. Anal yeast infections are relatively easy to treat once they are diagnosed.
The symptoms of an anal yeast infection vary from person to person depending on the cause and longevity of the infection. The most common symptoms include itching around the anal area, redness and blistering. Some sufferers will find that the skin around the anal area becomes dry and starts to peel, while others will experience pain or a burning sensation while attempting a bowel movement or while having intercourse. You can try self-treatment first, but if it doesn't help, see your doctor.
It's important to determine through a physical exam whether your problem is a yeast infection or something else, since similar symptoms can be caused by hemorrhoids, anal fissures or parasite infections. Your doctor can make the proper diagnosis and decide whether you need prescription medication.
Over-the-Counter Medications
Many people suffering from anal yeast infections turn first to over-the-counter medications that can be purchased in almost any pharmacy. Over-the-counter medications include suppositories to treat the internal infection and antifungal creams to treat the external symptoms. Consult the pharmacist.
Reduce Alcohol and Sugar Intake
Individuals suffering from yeast infections of any kind often find that minimizing the amount of alcohol and sugar in their diets helps to clear up symptoms. Many sufferers find they must eliminate these foods from their diets altogether to avoid recurring infections caused by the overgrowth of yeast and bacteria, which is usually enhanced by the yeast in alcohol and the sugar in junk food.
Yogurt is a popular home remedy for the treatment of both vaginal and anal yeast infections. The probiotics contained in yogurt are able to counteract the imbalances in the intestines that are causing your anal yeast infection. While most people prefer to eat yogurt to obtain this probiotic benefit, others find that applying yogurt directly to the infected area helps, too.
Prescription Drugs
If self-treatment does not help in a couple of days, visit your doctor. The longer your infection lasts, the more damage it can cause to your digestive tract. Ask your doctor about prescribing a prescription antifungal or antibiotic. While these might have side effects, they will ultimately clear up your anal yeast infection.