Leaky Gut Syndrome
When the intestine is inflamed, the microvilli (projection on intestinal lining that absorb nutrition) do not produce the proper enzymes needed for digestion. Some large molecules then leak through the intestine, causing the body to produce antibodies to fight off these perceived antigens.
Nothing directly causes leaky gut syndrome, but many factors will increase its development. Allergies, stress, alcohol and fungal infections all exacerbate the condition.
Symptoms, such as pain in the abdomen, bloating, excessive gas, anxiety, heartburn and gluten intolerance, all are common in people with leaky gut syndrome.
Related Conditions
Leaky gut syndrome is more common in people with conditions such as celiac disease, multiple sclerosis, autism, fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome.
The most important way to treat leaky gut is dietary change. Stay away from foods that cause allergies, sugar, alcohol, dairy and caffeine. The theory is the gut needs to repair itself naturally and these certain foods impair that process.