Cures for Tendinitis
Choose your activities wisely, and avoid activities that irritate the injury. For example, if tendinitis develops in the shoulder, activities such as tennis and other sports can aggravate symptoms and prolong the injury. Keeping the injured tendon immobilized with a sling or bandage also promotes healing.
Apply Ice Pad
Applying an ice or cold pack directly to the injured tendon reduces inflammation and swelling. Use an ice pack or a package of frozen vegetables. Wrap the pack in a dry cloth for comfort, and apply it to your injury several times a day in 20-minute intervals.
Swelling is a symptom of tendinitis. If tendinitis occurs in the lower body, keep the leg or injury elevated to reduce swelling. Place several pillows underneath your leg, and keep the injured leg raised above your heart. Drinking plenty of water and reducing your sodium intake can also combat swelling.
Home remedies for tendinitis include over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen and aspirin to ease pain. If these medications are ineffective, doctors may recommend a steroid injection to stop inflammation and pain. Other alternatives include prescription-strength topical medications.
Physical Therapy
In severe cases, physical therapy may become necessary to cure tendinitis. With the help of a physical therapist, you'll preform a variety of exercises designed to strengthen injured tendons and improve mobility. Therapy can decrease pain and help you resume normal activities sooner.