How to Relieve a Cough in the Wee Morning Hours
Things You'll Need
- Cough drops Tea with honey Cough suppressant Cayenne pepper Water Glass
Place some cough drops by your bed. When you wake up in the morning, sit up and suck on a cough drop. This is the quickest way to get relief from your morning cough.
Make a cup of hot tea and stir in 1 tbsp. honey. The hot beverage opens up your airways while the honey works to relieve any tickles that you may feel in your throat.
Take a cough suppressant. The cough suppressant works by stopping the reflex in your body that allows you to cough. The cough suppressant taken in liquid form works quite quickly, while a capsule may take 20 minutes. Follow the dosing instructions on the bottle.
Fill an 8 oz. glass with water and stir in 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper. Gargle. Once you have finished gargling, swallow the mixture. The cayenne pepper should clear up any congestion.
Take a hot shower. The steam from the shower will help to open up your lungs and stop your early-morning cough.