Syndrome X & Diet
Fructose-Sweetened Drink
People whose diets include sodas sweetened with fructose increased their risks of developing syndrome X. The U.S. National Library of Medicine sites a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation that found fructose decreased the body's ability to use insulin and metabolize fat, increasing heart attack risks. The study also demonstrated that people who consumed these drinks had more belly fat. To decrease risks of developing syndrome X, people should add fructose-free beverages to their diets.
A report published by the National Institutes of Health found a link between syndrome X and a diet containing meat, particularly processed meats. The report found that people who ate hot dogs, hamburgers and other processed meats increased their risks of developing conditions associated with syndrome X. The risks became greater when food was fried.
Including alcohol in a diet increases a person's risk for developing syndrome X because alcoholic beverages increase blood pressure and triglycerides as well as weight gain. Thus, men should limit their alcohol consumption to two drinks a day and women should only drink one alcoholic beverage a day.
Grains, Fruits and Vegetables
The study reported by the National Institutes of Health could not find either positive nor negative links between syndrome X and diets rich in whole grains, nuts, fruits or vegetables. However, they did find a positive link with dairy, stating that people who consumed more dairy products decreased their chances of developing syndrome X.
Healthy Eating Plan
Although researchers are still studying links between syndrome X and diet, many health organizations agree that a healthy eating plan combats many of the diseases that increases a person's risk of developing syndrome X, including losing weight. The National Heart Ling and Blood Institute states that people at risk for syndrome X should eat a balanced diet that is low in saturated fat, with no more than 25 to 30 percent of their daily calories coming from good fats. People should also make sure they consume less than 200 mg of cholesterol a day. Instead of eating refined carbohydrates, eat foods high in fiber like whole grains, beans and fruits such as apples and prunes. Sodium intake should be limited to less than 2,000 mg a day.