Toxic Shock Syndrome Facts
The two types of bacteria that cause TSS also create different sets of symptoms. Staphylococcus aureus usually causes fevers over 103 degrees, rashes and fatigue. Without treatment, the illness will worsen and can cause the patient to lapse into a coma and organ failure. Streptococcus pyogenes enters the body through the skin. Sharp skin pain where the bacteria achieved entry is usually the first symptom. Symptoms will then be similar to the staph infection.
Much like bacterias that cause septicemia, the bacterias that induce TSS usually enter through breaks in the skin. According to the CDC, some high-absorbency tampons may increase risk of TSS, though no firm connection between tampons and TSS has been established. Usually the immune system produces the proper antibodies to fight off the bacteria, but sometimes the toxins created by the bacteria are too strong and the body becomes infected.
When a person survives TSS, the body must go through an entire healing process to rid itself of the effects. Usually, the superficial layer of skin will come off following infection. Loss of hair and fingernails is also common; however, once these first layers are shed, patients will return to normal. Also, about half of the people who have had TSS will experience a relapse some months later, though not as severe. Medical care is imperative during a relapse.
Anyone suffering with TSS will need to be hospitalized. Since organ failure is a realistic possibility, the patient may be put on life support. It is important for the doctor to find the site of the infection and drain it from the body. Survival is dependent on quick medical care.
Women worried about TSS are encouraged to use other methods besides tampons during menstruation. Super-absorbent tampons are the ones most likely tied to TSS. It is also important to get all wounds clean and disinfected since the bacteria that causes TSS can enter the body through breaks in the skin.