Renal Cyst Symptoms
Feeling of Fullness
Once a cyst becomes large enough, it is common for patients to notice a premature feeling of fullness after eating. Some may become full or bloated after a few bites, while with others it is mild and may not be noticeable at all.
Back and Stomach Pain
A sore feeling in the lower back and stomach, on one or both sides, is common with patients who have renal cysts. The pain can range from dull ache to sharp pains that require medication for relief. Any sharp, intense, or prolonged pain should be reported to a doctor right away.
Frequent Urination or Trouble Urinating
Many patients with renal cysts find they need to urinate more frequently, or they may feel the urge to urinate even when there is no urine present in the bladder. This can result in frequent trips to the restroom throughout the day and night. If you find yourself waking up to use the bathroom more often than not, see your doctor to rule out renal cysts or another condition.
In some very rare cases, the abdomen or back may become distended. This occurs when the cyst grows to such a large size, it pushes the abdomen or back outward; forming a visible lump, hardness, or swelling.
Symptomless Diagnosis
Most people with renal cysts do not experience any symptoms. They are usually diagnosed while performing an X-ray for another illness.
Renal cysts are generally not harmful. Unless they cause extreme pain or are an unusually large size and pressing against other organs or nerves, many doctors take a "wait and see" approach to treatment. In most cases, the cyst will disappear with no intervention. If the cyst grows, it may be biopsied to rule out cancer, and removed. In most cases, cancer is not the cause of a renal cyst.