Signs of Appendicitis in Men
Signs and Symptoms of Appendicitis in Men
Generally, the symptoms that are associated with appendicitis are broadly classified into two categories: typical and atypical symptoms.
Typical Symptoms of Appendicitis in Men
The most common typical symptom is pain. This pain generally occurs on the lower right side of the abdomen and is often very severe. Poor positioning of the nerves (visceral nerves) near the midgut are often the cause of this pain.
Other common typical symptoms of appendicitis in men include extremely high fever, drowsiness, loss of appetite, and vomiting.
Atypical Symptoms of Appendicitis in Men
Atypical symptoms include excessive urge for urination, diarrhea, and a medical condition termed as downward urge, which is defined as a condition related to irregular bowel movements.
Other Special Signs of Appendicitis
Characteristic signs include Rovsing's sign, Psoas sign and Obturator sign.
Rovsing's sign is a special sign associated with appendicitis often characterized by pain in the lower region of the abdomen. Psoas sign is characterized by severe and extreme pain in the right side near the hips. Obturator sign is often characterized by spasms in the muscles near the hips.
Causes and Risk Factors Leading to Appendicitis in Men
Obstruction and interference near the lumen of the vermiform appendix can lead to appendicitis.
Infections by certain microorganisms such as bacteria, which leads to the swelling up of the appendix, and accumulation of pus near it, if left untreated for a long period of time it can lead to appendicitis.