What Are the Causes of Thrush in the Mouth?
Your Body
Your body naturally houses microorganisms that thrive inside you. The good bacteria feeds off nutrients passed through you, and in turn, they provide your body with a way to help your immune system. If the natural balance of good bacteria becomes disrupted, for example, with medications like antibiotics, bad bacteria can develop, such as thrush.
According to the Mayo Clinic, if you become infected with HIV/AIDS, the cells of your immune system become destroyed. Infections that your body would be able to ward off had the body not become infected, would become more susceptible to infections. As AIDS progresses, your inability to fight off infections would allow in fungal growth, such as oral thrush.
Treatments for cancer, such as chemotherapy and radiation weaken your immune system. You body is no longer able to fight infections, and your immune system is liable to come under attack from illnesses and infections. Oral thrush can be common in patients who have cancer.
If you suffer from diabetes, you're liable to get thrush at some point. When blood sugar isn't controlled, or the disease goes untreated, oral thrush can develop. Saliva within your mouth can contain excessive amounts of sugar, and the thrush thrive an eat off of the sugar. As a result, the thrush will grow and spread.
Yeast Infections
Yeast infections contain the same fungus that causes oral thrush. If you have a yeast infection, you can pass the candida to your infant when it is born. The infant can then develop oral thrush of the mouth. Also, if you are taking antibiotics, it can be secreted into the breast milk, and as a side-effect, it can cause oral thrush in your infant. This can become quite difficult to treat, as the thrush can keep transferring from mother to infant when breastfeeding.
It is important to seek treatment if you begin to have difficulty in swallowing, or feel as if you have food lodged in your throat. This is especially true for children, as thrush can be very painful for them. Since diabetes is also linked to symptoms of oral thrush, getting seen by a medical professional is important. Antibiotics may be necessary in treating the infection. Swabbing the inside of the mouth with Gentian Violet may also help, but speak with a medical professional to see if this treatment may help in your situation.