How to Cure Clubfoot

Talipes Equinovarus or clubfoot is structural deformities in newborns' ankles and legs. Those affected by clubfoot appear to be walking on their ankles because of a warping of the bones and muscles of the ankle area. Clubfoot occurs in 1 out of 1,000 babies and is more common in males than females. Clubfoot is curable.


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      Two types of surgery can cure clubfoot. A tenotomy can be performed to stretch the Achilles tendon and an anterior tibial transfer moves the tendons of the toes for releasing interior tension and stress. A tenotomy is more common than the Tendon Transfer.

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      The treatment for babies diagnosed with clubfoot involves gradually stretching and adjusting their ankles and legs, and then putting the ankles and legs in a cast for a short time. At regular intervals, the casts are removed and the ankle is readjusted for another casting.

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      Braces are helpful but are not considered clubfoot cures.

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      Use the Ponseti Method. Doctors using the Ponsetti Method move and manipulate the tendons and ankle and cast the legs repeatedly. Physicians follow up repeated tendon manipulation and leg casting with application of splints on the legs. Children who have undergone the Ponsetti Method temporarily have over-corrected ankles until the ankles adjust properly. This method avoids surgery completely and begins days after birth.

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