Severe Symptoms of Anxiety
Chest Pain
Chest pain is one of the most severe symptoms of anxiety. It feels different in different people, but it may feel as if the chest or heart is being squeezed tightly. It may also feel as if there is a heavy weight on top of the chest. This is why many people suffering a panic attack mistake it for a heart attack.
Many fears can come with anxiety. This is why some people with anxiety are afraid to leave their own homes and come into contact with other people. While this is very severe, other people have a less severe fear of everyday things and activities that hinders their lives in other ways.
No, death is not going to occur from anxiety, but many people suffering with anxiety have a very real fear of death. This is especially true when suffering from an anxiety attack. It may feel like a heart attack or something just as terrifying.
Temperature Changes
Some people with anxiety may feel chills or feel overheated. Some will alternate between the two even within several seconds. This can be particularly troubling if the person encounters a temperature change that triggers their anxiety rather than anxiety causing the chills and overheating.
There are those people with anxiety who may experience shortness of breath or shallow breathing. Picture a person breathing into a paper bag or having to put their head between their knees. This is due to anxiety. It may also feel as if the person is choking and cannot catch a breath. Not getting enough oxygen is a severe symptom of anxiety.
Disassociation goes hand in hand with fear, but the person may not realize it is fear. A person with this symptom of anxiety may feel that she is not even part of the world. She has disassociated herself from other people and what is happening in the outside world.