Signs of Meningitis
Fevers and Headaches
Fevers and strong headaches are common in individuals suffering from meningitis. The fever you have may be low or range up to 104 degrees, sometimes higher. If you have a high fever you should seek emergency medical treatment right away.
Nausea and Vomiting
Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms associated with many different illnesses but in the case of meningitis these symptoms are usually accompanied by a significant, severe headache.
Stiff Neck
Stiff necks are especially common among those suffering from meningitis. The stiffness is caused by the swelling and infection in the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the spinal cord and brain. Seek immediate medical attention if you have a stiff neck, especially if it is combined with any of the other symptoms listed.
Light Sensitivity and Seizures
Those suffering from meningitis often complain of light sensitivity and, in some cases, suffer from seizures. Light sensitivity alone should not cause you to panic but if accompanied by a seizure or any of the other symptoms you should consult a health care professional immediately.
Mental Confusion
Individuals suffering from meningitis tend to feel confused or have a difficult time concentrating. This symptom is often difficult to identify in young children who already have a tough time keeping eye contact with other people.
Skin Rash
Many individuals who have contracted meningitis develop a skin rash. Rashes are common among those suffering from viral or meningococcal forms forms of meningitis.
Seeking Medical Attention
While it may seem as though you're suffering from a mere cold or stomach virus, the symptoms of meningitis can quickly progress and cause serious health conditions, even death. If you or someone you know is suffering from any of the above symptoms obtain the advice of a health care provider immediately. It's better to find out that you have a mere stomach flu than to find out you have meningitis once it has progressed to its later stages.