How to Avoid Getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is expanding due to our everyday dependence on the computer. Even though this has created many opportunities this is one down side. Many people that depend on the computer daily and use it for hours are developing this illness. This is caused by the overuse of the wrist and hand. This aggravates the muscles and ligaments in these areas. Many of us use those stress relief squeeze balls and this is one of the worst things that we can do. This only aggregates the areas even worse. I have found that there are some simple things to try that help with this.
I have found that taking a break every two hours for at least 15 minutes helps eliminate some of the pain that I was feeling. I am on the computer at my office for at least eight hours a day and five or more days a week. This was killing my hands. I have found that when my wrist or hand start to ache I stretch my fingers and hand. I also slightly twist my wrist. I also move my fingers as if they were just typing in the air. These simple steps have improved on some of the pain that I was feeling at the end of the day. I never thought that a few changes would make such a difference.
It has also been proven that being overweight plays a factor in being affect with carpal tunnel. They claim that B6 is an herbal cure for carpal tunnel but I have not tried this. Pineapple is also supposed to help cure some of the pain associated with this illness. But I have found that the best solution for me is to try to break throughout the day and stretch my hands, fingers, and wrist. This syndrome also affects others that are using there hands, wrist, and fingers frequently. Remember sometimes it does not hurt to take time out of your busy day to put your self first. Think about your health and well being. If you do not no one else will.