Signs and Symptoms of Cirrhosis
Jaundice is one of the symptoms that is often associated with cirrhosis of the liver. The liver helps produce and maintain the levels of bilirubin in the body; however, in patients suffering from cirrhosis, the liver completely or partially loses its capabilities to perform its functions. As a result, large amounts of bilirubin accumulate in the blood stream of the individual, thus causing yellowing of the skin or jaundice.
Easy Bruising
Another common symptom that is associated with cirrhosis is easy bruising. One of the main functions of the human liver is the production of blood clotting factors, which play a vital role in aiding the process of blood clotting in wounds or injuries. However, in the case of cirrhosis, the liver loses its ability to produce blood clotting factors. This reduction in the number of blood clotting factors can make an individual more susceptible to other health risks and complications due to delayed healing of the injuries and wounds.
Abdominal Pain
Abdominal pain is another common symptom that individuals suffering from liver cirrhosis can experience. This condition mainly occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, which reduces the flow of blood to various organs, causing severe pain.
Other Common Symptoms
Other common symptoms such as nausea, extreme weakness, feeling tired even while sitting idle, itching and excessive loss of weight are often associated with cirrhosis of the liver.
Other Complications Associated With Cirrhosis
Certain complications such as swelling of the legs and arms, enlargement of the spleen, development of gallstones and insulin resistance are often associated with advanced stages of cirrhosis. If left untreated for a long period of time, individuals can also develop conditions such as liver cancer and hepatic encephalopathy, a condition in which toxic wastes accumulate in the brain because they are not filtered out of the blood by the malfunctioning liver. This can lead to coma and even death.