Shoulder Tendonitis Treatment
Relieve the swelling
Over-the-counter medications such as Aleve will assist in reducing the swelling causing by tendonitis. Typically, your doctor will prescribe two to three weeks of such a medication and will also advise you to reduce activities that could impede the reduction of swelling.
Excercises - Part One
Press your shoulder against a corner of a wall or within a doorway and put a towel or something soft between your shoulder and the surface. The arm connected to the shoulder you are pressing should remain behind the shoulder, bent at a ninety degree angle. The leg on that same side should be forward of your body with the other leg behind your body. Stretch gently by pushing the shoulder into the corner. Perform this exercise four times, twice a day and hold for fifteen seconds during each repetition.
Exercises - Part Two
Using a one pound weight in both hands, start with your arms by your side. Raise your arms up at an angle, thumbs on top, forming a "V" with your outstretched arms. Put your arms down after one second. Repeat this lifting ten times, then rest. Do three sets.
Excercises - Part Three
Wall angels are done standing with your back and heels as close to a wall as possible. With one pound weights in both hands, raise both arms out to the side, keeping elbows bent at a forty-five degree angle. Be sure to keep arms against the wall. Raise arms completely over your head, hold for one second, then let them down. Repeat this actions ten times, then rest. Do three sets.
Exercises - Part Four
Obtain a large rubber band or an elastic rope. Attach one end to secure it. With elbow bent, hold the free end and pull the elastic to the side of your body, pulling your forearm away from the attached end. Pull the elastic ten times, then rest. Do three sets.
Exercises - Part Five
Shoulder rolls and pinching your shoulders back will help to relieve stress within your shoulder. Do ten shoulder rolls, making backwards circles. Then, pinch both shoulders toward your back. Pinch your shoulders ten times. Do three sets of each exercise.
Continuing the Program Post-physical Therapy
Physical therapists will give you instruction on at-home exercises and recommend you continue these exercises daily, especially after your physical therapy appointments expire. In order to fully heal your shoulder tendonitis, you should be diligent with these exercises and you should also attempt to make all of your physical therapy appointments.