Rectal Prolapse Bowel Symptoms
Protruding Rectum
In rectal prolapse, the rectum protrudes through the anus during and after defecation. It may even protrude when the person sneezes or coughs. In severe cases, the anus can close on the rectum, cutting off the blood flow.
Fecal Incontinence
Fecal incontinence affects 5.5 million people in the United States, according to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearing House. Fecal incontinence occurs when the person loses control of the bowel. It can strike at any time, and with rectal prolapse, the problem can occur because the person has lost the urge to have a bowel movement until it is too late. The problem also can manifest itself as a feeling that the bowel has not voided completely or in an urgent need to have a bowel movement.
Leakage of Blood or Mucus Through the Anus
Sometimes rectal prolapse can result in blood or mucus leaking through the anus or in anal pain or itching. Leakage presents a hygiene problem as well, but is not nearly as dire as fecal incontinence.
Passage of Tiny Stools
The feces of someone who suffers from rectal prolapse may resemble rabbit droppings, tiny balls that drop into the toilet one by one. This condition can be helped by adding fiber to the diet.
Symptoms for Women Only
Rectal prolapse may affect a woman's sex life, causing painful intercourse, vaginal pressure or pain and lower back pain. At the very least, it may affect her sense of desirability as the protrusion into the back wall of the vagina may be evident to her partner.